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The Role Jesus Plays In A Christian's Life

Updated on January 29, 2015

We are human

None us of will ever be perfect. We have flaws, wrinkles, what have you. Who is perfect? Jesus (God) is. Why? Because He is and was and will be. "Begotten not made, one in being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us men, and for our salvation, He came down from Heaven. By the power of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) he was born of the virgin Mary and became man. He suffered, died and was buried. On the third day, he rose again, in fulfillment of the Scriptures. He will come again to judge the living and the dead." This is our creed we say at Mass.

God is perfect. He is a spiritual being. The mystery of how he always was, we'll never know on this earth. In Heaven, much more will be revealed to us. But as God told Adam and Eve, with knowledge comes a price and He will never reveal all his secrets or knowledge to anyone--for if we knew all He knew, we'd be gods ourselves.

Why did God make me?

 To show forth His goodness and love.  He didn't need to, but He chose to so that we could one day be happy forever in Heaven with Him. He's sharing His kingdom and populating it.  The Creator created out of love.  Love enjoys sharing and giving.

What role does God play in my life?

Well, since we are His creation there are some rules: Love God and Love your neighbor.  Not too bad eh?  These two commandments are the basis for all the other ones.  Why rules?  Our earthly life is mirrored much after our life with God.  "He created us in His own image and likeness".  What a nice thing to do!  Yet we are like him not physically but in that we have an intellect and eternal soul.  What a gift!!

On earth, as parents we give our children rules like obey your father and mother, make your bed, be good to your sister/brother.  Good rolemodels are good parents.  So, god being our parent instructs us the proper way to behave.  Like children, we don't really know otherwise unless told.


Jesus our Spouse

Why do people want to "marry" Jesus or be his Spouse? We all have different callings or roles in life. Some are carpenters born with singer's voice or learn the trade of masonry, some marry and procreate, some stay single as and old maid or bachelor, and some become a nun, priest, or brother, and offer their prayers to God on a very regular basis, along with serving God in other ways that only a contempletive environment could provide. This is the world we live in as we know it.

It is a calling. Yes, God calls everyone to a certain job or vocation. A priestly vocation is to be a representive of Jesus and to offer Mass, assist people in confession, and teach the faithful about God. To do this he must study and study hard and have a certain disposition.

Brothers and sisters (nuns) are mostly prayer orientated, spending a great amount of time offering prayers for the community and living a spiritual and peaceful live which many are extremely happy with.

Can anyone be God's spouse?

Yes. When we all die and the ones who go to Heaven, will see God and worship Him and see His Beautific Vision- the beautiful, and constant connection to God, to see Him face to face in all His glory will truly fill us with joy as our love and His infinite love go back and forth like an neverending happy moment.

There is no greater joy on earth than to "taste" the joys of heaven. We were actually created by God to love him. He "programmed" our hearts to desire Him and love Him as we teach our children to love us and their aunts, uncles, and family. God is our family and becomes our eternal family along with all the other joys of heaven.+

Is it possible for God to speak to us?

Yes. In most cases though, He speaks to us by inspiring us or we get ideas as in when we pray or meditate. He also speaks to us in symbols or things that happen in our lives and through other people. Some call this karma, but it's really God. He protects us from harm, unless it is to serve some purpose in bettering us like gold being refined in the fire. We have many opportunites to be good, to be patient, and increase our strengths, or virtues.

If you read the lives of the saints, you will see a pattern of holy living that would be impossible without the graces and power God will give you if you are willing. Even though many saints suffered greatly, they were also very happy.

Try to be a good person, recognize God in your life, always pushing you, persuading you. Try to see the joy you get, from acting on the inner doings of your heart and inspiration. Being united with your beloved Father God and Jesus Christ who is Love itself--"Greater Love no man hath than to give his life for his friends".

God Loves you! yes, YOU.

Find your Father in Heaven today. Make an act of faith , hope, and love. Begin your journey towards personal fulfillment, a joy that will never end, or fade, or grow old, or die.

Time, Adam, and Emmanuel

In the book, A Gentle Thunder, by Max Lucado, He speaks extremely well on God's character! In the beginning where there was just God who was alone and forever was, begotten not made, He created Time- a place for things to happen though he was and is timeless; Adam- man to whom He gave free will showing His great love for us by not forcing us to love us but giving us a choice; and Emmanuel- Jesus, a Savior, because He knew we would need one, and He didn't have to, but that's WHO OUR GOD IS.

Our God is a God of Love and Mercy. He is beautiful, timeless, all powerful, a just judge, and he actually cannot lie nor be unfaithful- He's incapable! He even allows the devil reign over the earth and the air - for an amount of time that is, until the end of time when there will be no more time for humans and the end of the world.

Though sometimes I long for the end, since the world is evil and difficult, I want more time for the earth so more people will have time to get saved by Jesus before it's too late for them, and that is why God is giving us more time even though we are doing so many bad things.

Imagine a God who cared so much that he planned each one of our lives from the very beginning, where He would place us in history (time) and in what family and with what talents or gifts and so on. A God who knew ahead of time what mistakes we would make. He gave His own Son to be killed in an extremely vicious way- for us. Who else lays down their life and He took on the guilt of every human being ever born- that's more suffering than an ordinary man could bear. Magnify an ordinary crucifixion time billions more and that's the kind of pain he endured.

So, why do people not want God? It's a lie and a deceit of the devil that tricks them, that's what it is! They are told and lied to by Satan, that heaven will be boring, that the rules of a Christian are too difficult to follow, or that God doesn't accept them the way they are (if they are gay) of which I cannot explain, I don't know the answer to that one. But what I do know is God heals us from all things that we might consider broken in us, such as if we had emotional abuse growing up we can be healed from that or anything.

In Conclusion, I really hope more people will come to God and realize he told us "I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly!" He WANTS US TO BE HAPPY and although being a Christian now, the way I'm living is a bit different, He makes it enjoyable in ways you'd never thought possible. I have a peace of mind I never had before, so think twice before you rule out being Christian. :)


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